Introduction In the context of the use of AI to overtake the enemy at a strategic level, decision-makers often rely on symmetric thinking, access to information, and understanding of the particular situation. Although the OODA structure aims to convey the importance of superior decision-making speed, it is important to take into account how the opponent's decision-making differs from their exploitative advantages and the internal vulnerability analysis. From a conceptual standpoint, the phrase "hack and outpace an adversary's OODA loop" implies that the opponents "decision-making calculations reflect our own. However, the focus on speed ignores the importance of decision quality, attention and timing. In a dogfight, the ability to effectively complete the loop acts as a business enemy, keeping it off balance and playing catch-up. What is the OODA loop concept? The OODA loop was developed in the mid-19th century and used in diversified areas to train soldiers t...
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